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East Bergholt High School

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“It’s surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth.”

David Attenborough

A geographer looks at the world in a different way. Geography teaches us a deeper understanding of our surroundings, and challenges us to question our perceptions. This is a truly interdisciplinary subject that bridges the social sciences and natural sciences. Geography builds confidence in our place in the world and enables us to investigate global issues such as climate change, migration, poverty and the management of resources. It develops an understanding of cultural diversity, how places change over time, and the awe and wonder of the world around us.


Geography provides the means to question, critically think and develop skills through observational enquiry in the real world. It enables the investigation of the relationships between physical and human processes, the impacts on landscapes, and to consider a sustainable future for all. Geographers are some of the most employable graduates as it opens up a range of opportunities and choices for future work and careers. The Geography of today is the History of tomorrow!

Students have three lessons a week at Key Stage 4 and study the OCR Geography B specification (J384).


The Geography Long Term Plan is available here

The Autumn Geography Medium Term Plans for KS 3 are available by clicking on the Year groups below.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9



Ms N. Watson - Leader of Geography

Mr J Cracknell - Teacher of Geography

Mr D Woodcock - Teacher of Geography & Headteacher


Further Information on KS4

Our Natural World 

  • Global Hazards - extreme weather events and tectonic hazards
  • Changing Climate
  • Distinctive Landscapes - river and coastal landscapes in the UK
  • Sustaining Ecosystems - ecosystems, tropical rainforests and polar regions
  • Fieldwork and Geographical Skills

People and Society

  • Urban Futures - challenges and opportunities in a city in an Low Income Developing Country (LIDC) and one city in an Advanced Country (AC)
  • Dynamic Development - measuring uneven development, and a study of one Low Income Developing Country (LIDC)
  • UK in the 21st Century - changing UK population, the changing UK economy and the Uk’s global significance
  • Resource Reliance - food, energy and water resources including attempts to achieve food security
  • Fieldwork and Geographical Skills

Geographical Exploration

  • Geographical Skills
  • Decision Making Exercise


Homework in Geography

In Geography students are given weekly homework including keywords, researching a geography related issue such as climate change or immigration, quizzes on Google Forms or completing an assignment on Seneca Learning.  Students are also encouraged to watch and read the news about current Geographical issues.


Further Information on Geography

BBC News https://www.bbc.co.uk/news 

BBC Bitesize Key Stage 3 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zrw76sg 

BBC Bitesize GCSE (OCR B) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zpsx2p3 

Internet Geography https://www.internetgeography.net/ 

Seneca Learning https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/